A Q&A Blog Series Celebrating Creatives
Your inside peek into the minds of fellow creatives, with valuable
insights on topics you face everyday -- sprinkled with a bit of
inspiration along the way.
Artie, your FBF (Framer's Best Friend) and advocate for artists wants
you to succeed! Each month, Artie will interview a different artist,
designer, or photographer to ask eight thoughtful questions on a range
of topics such as creative blocks, the role of artists in society,
best/worst tool purchase, future events, and more. The answers will make
you think, laugh, and feel connected. Make Connections. Who knows? Maybe
something will inspire you to push beyond your current creative limits.
If you'd like to be considered for an issue of Artie's Eight, simply
submit your completed form below.
There is no fee required to be considered for a spotlight. If you are
chosen to be a spotlight artist, your interview article which will link
directly to your website or social page will be available to our tens of
thousands of engaged art loving newsletter subscribers, our thousands of
blog page readers per month, and our thousands of social fans.
To Creating and Connecting!